Saturday, December 29, 2012


           The biggest argument against anarchy: If there's no government what would stop society from collapsing and everyone killing everyone? This is certainly a valid question although a simplistic one. The double speak that everyone has grown accustomed to has everyone thinking that anarchy goes hand in hand with chaos and depravity while the opposite is true. Anarchists (the capitalist ones anyway) know that everyone has certain irrevocable rights such as life, a right to their property, and to live their lives, for better or worse, as they see fit. This sounds like a recipe for destruction but the strongest (and weakest) trait of anarchy is that it will reflect the morality of the people that are living in it. There is no doubt in my mind that if the government were to collapse tomorrow there would be wide spread chaos and death. There would be no government, but the cost of human life would be unjustifiable. Society would collapse. The biggest street gang would rule. America would turn into a mirror image of Somalia. That is not anarchy. That is chaos. Anarchy is order without rulers.
           I thoroughly enjoy the works of Alan Moore, a comic book writer. He is known for his excellent writing style and the sometimes controversial ideas portrayed in his comics. One such idea is Anarchy. While I agree with a lot that Alan Moore says, I disagree with him on how anarchy should come around. He says that anarchy can only come from the rubble of society. Order will emerge from the chaos and then there will be freedom. Yes, people will die but the end result will justify it all. I, however, believe that if we anarchists denounce the government for trampling the individuals will for the majority's will, then it is hypocritical of us to allow chaos to consume a few lives for the greater good.
          The only way to bring about a peaceful transition into anarchy is to change peoples MINDS. It is a dangerous gamble to hand complete freedom to people who don't understand what freedom entails. It is the anarchists job to convince people of the evils of government and the alternatives. You cannot simply tear down the government and expect people to not take advantage of those who cannot defend themselves. It has to be a gradual process of tearing down government brick by brick, not smashing the foundations. If society could be based on love for your fellow man and tolerance for their beliefs or life style then I truly, truly believe that government would become a thing of the past. 
          Of course this is an impossible dream. That is the terrible price of becoming an anarchist. You have to champion a cause that is already lost. You must live knowing that what is right will never be. It is a difficult belief to live with and not for the easily swayed. But it is the right thing to believe in. Anarchy, true anarchy, preaches peace, tolerance, and freedom. As a christian I can't see God having a problem with any of those things.

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