Wednesday, November 7, 2012


             My entire life I have believed that Democracy was the best system of government. It had its flaws, it had its imperfections but on the whole it was still better than anything else out there. Sure sometimes the wrong guy got elected, but you had to take the bad with the good. The 2012 election changed everything for me. The newly re-elected president Obama has enjoyed almost universal approvement by the democrats and neo-liberals, while sustaining universal disapprovement by the republicans and conservatives . When Obama was first elected in 2008 I didn't like him so much but in the past year I have grown to despise many of his policies. The two biggest for me are his tendency to order predator drone strikes on Pakistan, Libya  and Syria and his signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) In his four years as President, Obama has ordered nearly 300 drone strikes on countries in the middle east that are suspected of harboring terrorist leaders (bush ordered 52.) These strikes are supposed to precisely target hostile target and eliminate them without civilian casualties, but reports show that nearly 1000 civilians have died in Pakistan alone, including over 100 children.
               It is ridiculously simple to find this information anywhere, weather it is on the news, YouTube, or even Wikipedia  and yet on the night of Obamas re-election, people were REJOICING. People were shouting his name in the streets like he was a savior. I had of course heard of the stereotypical Obama supporter that thinks Obama can do no wrong, but I always thought that it was over exaggerated and that after four years of awful foreign and economic policies that America would know better. And yet here I was, witnessing people thrilled with his re-election and I realized how incredibly ignorant, naive, and easily manipulated the American public really is. Our national debt has increased by 3 trillion dollars under his leadership. Hundreds and hundreds of innocent people have died, inviting future backlash against America by a generation in the middle east that has lived under our drones. He signed the NDAA which is mostly an military funding bill, but hidden away in there is an act that allows the president to indefinitely detain American citizens without trial as long as they are suspected of aiding terrorists (the Nazis had a very similar policy.)                         
                These aren't exactly national secrets hidden away somewhere, they're easily accessible on the internet, and yet I could tell that none of these people had a clue. They really did have no idea that by the end of the month they would have a childs blood on their hands. I saw that the American voter is easily convinced by empty rhetoric and simple/vague saying like "Yes we can." Democracy sounds like a bad joke when you think about it. We will let all the simple minded, ill- informed masses on the street decide who will run one of the most over powered countries history has ever had the displeasure to witness. People honestly didn't know what they were doing when they voted for Obama they thought they were voting for someone that would give them free medi-care, free education, and 'change (another simple/vague slogan.)
                I greatly appreciate the works of Shakespeare, in particular his political drama/ tragedy "Coriolanus." In this play Shakespeare provides a biting commentary on the 'will' of the people, showing that they simply agree with whoever is speaking at the moment. The main character, Ciaus, is hated by the people but when he speaks to them they end up supporting him and almost vote him to be consul, but when his enemies speak they turn against him again. I find the same to be true with the presidential race. If you tell an Obama supporter that Romney wants to drone bomb the middle east, increase spending, and supports the NDAA (all of which he does, I despise Romney policies as much as Obamas) then they will denounce him and say what an awful president he would make. Say the same about Obama and they would give a poorly though out argument about how much is blamed on Obama, and how he will give out free health care.
This has been the story of how I became disillusioned with government in all its various forms and recognized anarchy as the only intellectually  honest position to have.

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