Monday, November 12, 2012


           Nobody likes paying taxes. Absolutely nobody sits down in front of that pile of bills and says "Oh my god yes, I have to pay TAXES!" We don't like it but we figure that its just  another part of the deal to becoming an adult. However taxes are little better than theft on a national scale, and the thieves are protected by the laws they make. Why should you HAVE to pay taxes? why should anyone, let alone the government, be allowed to threaten you with prison if you don't give them your money? Don't be deceived into thinking that just because they're not next to you when you pay your taxes means that its not robbery. If people want to keep government up and running then they should pay out of their own pocket not force those of us that have moral convictions against everything the government stands for.
            Perhaps the most common argument for taxes is roads. If we didn't pay taxes who would build the roads? (because we all know that before government, roads were completely unthought of.) The building of roads is not some long lost secret guarded by the government. Private companies could maintain roads just like governments can, and even do a better job of it. In a free market society there would be incentive to keep the roads better maintained than roads owned by rival companies so as to attract more costumers. Another argument is for army wages. How would our military get their pay without taxes? First of all I don't like the idea of my money going to help kill people overseas in the Middle East. Secondly the answer is to stop these undeclared, unjustifiable wars overseas. We're are spending billions of dollars over there and things have only changed for the worse, with thousands of dead on both sides.
             More pro-tax arguments include the existence of the police and fire department. When I say we should abolish them both I don't mean we let criminals have their way with society and let fires burn forever, I mean we let private business form fire and police departments on their own. The quality of public service would drastically go up. Police brutality would be a thing of the past because of the awful public image it would create ex: 'Well the officers from this company were in a brutality case, I'm not going to ask them for help.' With the disbanding of the federal police and fire departments, lots of people would be out of a job. But when these private companies begin to form, who will they want to hire? Former cops and firemen of course! Also, to entice former officers/firemen to join them, these companies would offer better pay/benefits then anything these men and women previously had. In a free market society, the quality of services rendered will go up in order to entice more consumers.
                In closing I'd like to say that I don't get it why people get so mad at these bankers that skip out on their taxes. I applaud those people. They're keeping THEIR money out of the hands of the government. The less money that goes down that black hole the better. The rich shouldn't be forced to pay as much as we do, WE should pay as little as they do.

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